Wisconsin Native Individual
Plant Information
Join Little Sweet Flower Farm to help support and protect our pollinators and natural Wisconsin landscapes.
When selecting pollinator plants, here are some helpful hints to keep in mind:
Plant in groups to increase pollination efficiency.
Plant with bloom season in mind. Pollinators need to have a food source from spring to fall.
Have a diverse selection of flowers. Flowers with different colors, textures, fragrances, heights, and different bloom schedules, will attract different varieties of pollinators and provide a food source all season long.
Group your plantings so pollinators can safely move and are protected from predators.
Provide host plants for larval development.
Anise Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum)
Blazingstar (Liatris spicata)
Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa)
Culver’s Root (Veronicastrum virginicum)
Eastern Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
Golden Alexanders (Zizea aurea)
Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)
New England Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae)
Prairie Blazing-star (Liatris Pycnostachya)
Prairie Milkweed (Asclepias Sullivantii)
Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium Yuccifolium)
Scarlet Bee Balm (Monarda didyma)
Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata)
Virginia Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum virginianum)
Wild Lupine (Lupinus Perennis)
Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod (Solidago rugosa)
Big Leaved Aster (Eurybia macrophylla)
Blue Vervain (Verbena Hastata)
Common Milkweed (Asclepias Syriaca)
Cutleaf Coneflower yellow (Rudbeckia laciniata)
False Blue Wild Indigo (Baptisia australis)
Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica)
Meadow Blazing-star (Liatris Ligulistylis)
Nodding Pink Onion (Allium Cernuum)
Prairie Coneflower (Ratibida Pinnata)
Prairie Smoke (Geum Triflorum)
Red Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis)
Smooth OxeEye Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides)
Sweet Blackeyed Susan (Rudbeckia subtomentosa)
White Wild Indigo (Baptisia Leucantha)
Wild Petunia (Ruellia humilis)
Yellow Sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale)
Blackeyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)
Blue-Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium)
Cream Wild Indigo (Baptisia Leucophaea)
Eastern Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis)
Foxglove Beardtongue (Penstemon digitalis)
Lance Leaf Coreopsis (Coreopsis Lanceolata)
Mexican Hat (Ratibida columnifera)
Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacea pallida)
Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis)
Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea Purpurea)
Rough Blazing-star (Liatris Aspera)
Spotted Bee Balm (Monarda punctata)
Sweet Joe Pye Weed (Eutrochium purpureum)
Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa)
Wild Senna (Senna hebecarpa)
Yellow Wild Indigo (Baptisia tinctoria)
7086 County Rd MM
Larsen, WI 54947
Roadside Stand Hours
Closed for 2023 Season
The 2024 season hours have yet to be determined. Check back in spring of 2024 for open hours or follow along on Facebook